Celebrating Emerging Talent: Wakatipu High School's 'Showing Off' Senior Art Exhibition

The annual “Showing Off” Wakatipu High School Senior Art Exhibition is a highly anticipated event that shines a spotlight on the exceptional talents of senior students in the Visual Arts. Organized by the dedicated Art department and teachers at Wakatipu High School, this exhibition showcases the finest work from their highest achievers at Level One and Two in NCEA Visual…

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The annual “Showing Off” Wakatipu High School Senior Art Exhibition is a highly anticipated event that shines a spotlight on the exceptional talents of senior students in the Visual Arts. Organized by the dedicated Art department and teachers at Wakatipu High School, this exhibition showcases the finest work from their highest achievers at Level One and Two in NCEA Visual Arts. The exhibition, hosted by the Lakes District Museum & Gallery in Arrowtown, opened on Thursday 1 August, and will run until the 25th of August, with free entry for all.

This year’s exhibition features a diverse range of creative expressions, including paintings, designs, and photographic works. Each piece has been carefully selected based on last year’s external folio exam grades, with all the students represented having achieved Excellence for their final submissions in 2023. The exhibition is not only a testament to the hard work and dedication of these talented students, but also a celebration of the months of effort, critical decision-making, and artistic growth they have invested in their work.

The Lakes District Museum & Gallery has been an invaluable partner in bringing this exhibition to life, offering their Gallery to showcase the students' work. Their support extends beyond just providing a venue; they curate the entire exhibition, ensuring that each piece is presented in a way that truly highlights its artistic merit. The museum’s generosity in donating their time and space also allows WHS to host an opening event, bringing the students' art to the broader community and giving them a platform to shine.

WHS are also deeply grateful for the continued support of Trinity Construction, which has sponsored the exhibition for eight consecutive years. Their sponsorship funds the prizes awarded to a painting, design, and photography work, with all three awards being determined by the community through a "People’s Choice" vote. Special thanks go to Wayne Foley, whose passion and dedication have been the driving force behind these awards. His support has played a crucial role in encouraging and rewarding our students' artistic achievements.

The “Showing Off” exhibition is not just an opportunity to view incredible art; it’s a chance for the community to engage with and support the next generation of local artists. We invite everyone to come and explore the talent within our Senior Art group, vote for their favorite pieces, and be part of this celebration of creativity and expression.

In an ideal world, the school dreams of a future where Wakatipu High School could establish a student-led gallery, run by the WHS Arts Council in collaboration with the arts department. Imagine a space where students could not only exhibit their work but also take on the roles of curators and event organizers, gaining invaluable experience in the art world. And of course, they would love to bring back the darkroom—a beloved resource that added a touch of magic to the photographic process.

Make sure to check out "Showing Off" before the 25th of August! 


Images supplied by WHS at the "Showing Off" Opening event

Image of award: Wayne Foley of Trinity construction and projects. receiving a piece of art gifted to him from the art departement as a Thank you for his many years of supporting and sponsering this exhibition. The student next to him is the artist, Benji Watson Palmer.